
Rich and I just had a lovely little conversation about the things we see and do that make us feel most alive and glad to be alive in this big full glorious feast of a world….

Flowers some beautiful soul brought to work (Starbucks) to make people happy.

Babies and children



Belief in Jesus and His practices

Growing things



Nature-birds, collections, observing

Beautiful books

Motion (in nature -like the wind for instance-or people-like dance and sports) participant AND observing

The arts

Fashion- make up, clothes, body art, doing my nails or doing someone’s nails for them, etc

page from my journal with my own happy drawing -I LOVE new pens and markers



Trail riding (3 or 4 wheeler)

Swimming in a pool with lots of happy people

BBQ with family

Ford Cobra-drive with top down with you, stopping to get coffee

Picking flowers for you from a field of flowers

Hunt-but not to shoot anything, just to see nature

Hiking, to see a beautiful view

We saw a rainbow last weekend.
I’ve always loved picking wild flowers, even as a little girl. Makes my heart sing.
Some beautiful soul brought daisies to Bible Study. Wasn’t that nice?

Rich and I had just half an hour for our little talk because as usual, it was brought to our attention that there was “nothing to eat” in the house so he told the girls (Sarah and her friend) to give us a little time and then he would take them to Dunkin to get anything-anything their hearts desired- that they wanted off the menu.

“What does *a little time* mean??” Sarah asked suspiciously. “Half an hour?” “Oh okay” …….

We set the timer so as to not frustrate them.

Before it went off we weren’t able to come up with one of our most favorite life affirming activities as a couple but I will take the liberty to share it anyway:

Kissing and hugging and making babies. (The making babies part is over now, though, we already made them). Now we just make love and our children are making the babies.

Of course lists like these are never ending, really. The truth is, life is a continual feast. what makes us happy to be alive? We are just getting started.

The End.



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