
It’s a beautiful, cloudy, cool morning outside.  There is a heap of laundry to fold and some sloshing around in the washer getting washed, as I type.  It’s a soothing sound.  Seth and Sarah are playing with the kittens.  The dog is at my feet.

Awake at 6, I spent half an hour with my older ones before their bus came.  They talked to me about things that were important to them.  Jacob had a field trip yesterday to Salem, MA.  Grace and I sat together on the couch.  Ethan was busy getting ready for school.  I have come to enjoy the early morning visits together.  Sometimes Grace asks me to braid her hair.

Rich has been gone on a business trip and will be home later tonight.  He’s still parenting, though, and I had to laugh when Jacob told me that last night at 10:30 he got a text from him, “Jacob, are you behaving yourself?  It’s time for you to get to sleep.”  Jacob and Ethan were in the middle of  playing a computer game together so it was a good thing they got the instruction from their Dad, I was sound asleep at that time.  They felt like he was watching them and I’m thankful for my husband.

I had a frightening experience this morning but now I’m laughing about it.  Caleb was ready for school early enough to play with Seth and they were downstairs in his room when I heard screams to stop my heart.  Caleb was screaming for help in the most terrifying manner.  I ran down expecting glass?  blood?  broken bones?  a wild animal attack? electrocution?  These screams said the worst was happening to my precious boy.  I got down there and found him:  upside down.  head first and completely inside not one, but two sleeping bags.  on the floor.  with his pant leg caught up on the dresser knob, with the dresser about to fall on him, and Seth just standing there.  Apparently Caleb was originally on the bed when Seth pushed him off.  I was more upset with him for being so dramatic than anything else, so the lesson learned (one hopes) was “Do not Scream and Cry for Help so Terrifyingly Unless Things are Truly That Bad.”

My son David has been reading nonstop, that new Percy Jackson book.  I stopped by Barnes and Noble yesterday to get it for him.  Ethan wants it next, than Grace.

David’s remarks when reading:

“I love reading a new book.  Because there is suspense.”

“I love home.”  (getting curled up with book on the couch and smiling)

“Mom?  Isn’t it funny when you’re reading a book- you can’t wait to get to the next page but then when it’s at the end you wish there was more?”



The fall colors have peaked at our place.  Most of them have dropped off the trees but there are still some steadfastly hanging on.

This is the red tree I was sitting under just last week… it’s mostly bare branches.



The pines by the pond have been dropping their old yellow needles.


Carpeting the ground beneath with them.  They smell so good I think about making a pillow.


pine needles and leaves on the pond



I find it so fascinating that this bee’s nest was being built and was hanging up in the trees and we never saw it until the leaves started coming down.  (down by the other pond)

Old Sunflower; I waited for so long to bloom that I can’t bear to pull it up just yet.


Leaves in the stream


vine in the trees


I took these a few weeks ago when Rich took the boys out into the woods to collect fire wood.



He is blessed with a fine crew of sons.

It’s no wonder I’m always making cookies to fill these hard working stomachs.

Oh that reminds me.  On Saturday Rich was gone at Jacob’s football game and I had a hair appointment so Grace and Ethan were watching the little ones for us.  When I was in the chair my phone rang and it was David, wanting to know if he could make cookies.  He is eleven and has some experience with baking so I said “yes”.

When I arrived back home, I was greeted with the sight of the ugliest cookies I’ve ever seen.  They were caramel colored, spread out over the entire cookie sheet, and glued to the pan.  There were three pans of them, a big, deserted bowl of dough, and no one around in the kitchen.  Poor David!  He did perfectly fine except for the fact that he put powdered sugar in the dough instead of flour.  These particular chocolate chip cookies were made with three kinds of sugar only, and no flour whatsoever.  It took a long time to get them off the pan.  They practically WERE caramel.

I made some on Monday with Seth.  I love making cookies and have perfected chocolate chip, if I may say so.

I share my tips:

the recipe off the bag of chips

pure butter; no shortening ever

an extra teaspoon of vanilla

plenty of extra flour to make a softly stiff dough (I added two and a half more cups for a double batch on M. but it was a rainy day)

add only half the amount of chips called for in recipe; I always double the recipe and add just one bag of chips


no cookie scoop, chocolate chip cookies that are all the exact same shape and size are boring (just like people)

I always enjoy eating raw dough and give spoonfuls out to the children, too, raw eggs be darned!

bake ONLY until very slightly brown around the edges, take them out when still half done and leave them on the tray for about five minutes, (they will continue baking) then remove to cooling racks.


this is the way to chocolate chip cookie perfection; tender, soft and not too sweet



Ahead of me is an entire day of staying at home.  Later on this evening I will go out to gather up the older children from school, but for now I can putter around in my pajamas, care for my little ones and do some home-making.  I have a big pork roast in the fridge to figure out for dinner and perhaps I will make more cookies, since the ones I made on Monday are gone.
“Only the heart, with love afire,
can satisfy the soul’s desire.”

~James Terry White

17 thoughts on “cookies

  1. I feel the same way as David about books. I was just thinking about that very same thing when I finished my latest book a few days ago. With good fiction, sometimes it feels like you just lost a very close friend when you finish the book.

    I enjoyed seeing all of these pictures. I can almost smell the pine needles from here…and the cookies! Mmmmmm…

  2. I feel the same way about books too! I cant get enough books! And, I like the kind that you can actually turn the pages. Lol. Your pics are sooo beautiful! Here in TExas we dont have too much of a fall. I grew up in the north though, so I have seen colorful leaves in real life! HAHA.
    Have a really good day:)

  3. Didn’t Anne (Green Gables) make pine needle pillows? I’m glad the boys are okay and the dresser didn’t topple over. I wish I could stop by and eat some cookies with you. They look delish!

    • Did she? I don’t remember! Let me know if you find the page. You know, I’m missing those books and think I will read through them again soon. I still have all of my old copies. Wish you could stop by, too.

  4. Mmmm! You make chocolate chip cookies like we do!!! (Well, more accurately, my mother in law… I’ve learned from her!). I like to tease my husband that I married him just so I could enjoy such yummy chocolate chip cookies!! Lol
    We leave them on the tray the same and everything!!! Including spoons of raw dough! Yum!!

    • Sheila, thank you so much for the comment. That’s very neat that you all make the cookies like this, too, I think it comes from experience in the kitchen! Hope you and the family had a good week! xoxo

  5. Those cookies look AMAZING.

    I’m with David on a good book! Rushing to turn each page, but hating it at the same time, because each page brings you closer to the end. Haven’t read a great book like that in ages, hope I find another one soon!

  6. Don’t you just love having kids at so many different ages? I think that i would be so sad if all of my kids were grown up in just a few years! So much fun and learning that goes on at each age! I love reading how you embrace each day and see the beauty even in boys making “sugar” cookies! Have an awesome Friday!

    • Oh yes, Dana, I am so thankful for the last 16 1/2 years of all these children of mine. I was reading out loud to the younger ones the other night and my oldest wondered out loud, “What will you do when you don’t have any more little kids to read those books to, Mom?” I sort of laughed it off and said, “I’ll read to the grandchildren” but there was a little ache inside over my own growing up so fast. 🙂 Happy Friday to you, too! Hope you have a great weekend.

  7. I love the caramel cookie story–except for the part that involved you having to face the resulting mess. Sophie is the enthusiastic baker in our house, and she sometimes gets discouraged when she makes a mistake. It seems there are so many possibilities of things that can go wrong when you are making cookies! I will be sure to tell her David’s story.

  8. Oh how I love your blog so much! I am always behind on reading and commenting these days. I always thought as my children grew I would have more free’s the complete opposite! Hence no extra time for blog reading! 😉

    Anyway, the next time your husband comes to Chicago for a business trip, he HAS to bring his wife along!!! I know someone she can visit! 😉 and if the kids come along, well, I know some kids they can play with!

    The colors in your woods are beautiful. Our maple out in front has dropped about half of it’s yellow/orange leaves. Today is rainy and I keep seeing them fall when the rain gets heavy. And cookies..we just finished baking a batch of cotton candy cookies with hot pink frosting. They are pretty gross..I’ll blog about it later. Haha.
    Happy Tuesday to you. {{Hugs}}

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